Upcoming and Suprising Finds

Check out “Blood & Treasures” on Netflix

I find listening to Thai a little more challenging so I’ve not indulged in any of their dramas, but in my suggestions feed on Netflix I did recognize a familiar face — Pong! He’s in the above drama series.

Also, I saw in a news item from THR that Cho Seung-woo will be back in my life in Life come the end of September, also on Netflix. It is available now just about everywhere else, but not until late September for the U.S. Is it available in Canada now, or are you on the U.S. timetable?

A happy merger? Chinese drama with Thai actor and Orlando Bloom?

I saw this post on Cfensi – “Man Li” from The Disguiser is going to get her man in a new drama, but he’s Thai actor Push. (Where do they come up with these professional names?) And Orlando Bloom? Does he need the money? But be sure to read the first comment in the original post – I almost did a spit take!

#push, #song-yi