Finished When My Love Blooms……

And, unfortunately, I cannot recommend it. It’s a story that we’ve seen many times, and was too nicely wrapped up in a neat little package. The whole “ kumbaya” theme just doesn’t work for me anymore. People are allowed to get away with cruelty and real crimes and come out without realistic accountability——at least in my book. The story of young love lost and found seemed so promising, but the flashbacks turned out to be endless and every moment in the lives of our young lovers was re-lived in someway as adults. It just became more and more unbelievable even though I typically love love, no matter how the leads make it happen.

The most realistic thing in this drama, for me, was when the hero’s wife said to our heroine, “ If I’d known that there was someone like you in his life, I wouldn’t have chased him. She’d finally come to the realization that their’s was a love that she couldn’t compete with no matter how much effort she exerted good or bad. I also got tired of everyone telling our heroine how beautiful she was. Like why did that matter? Even if she were uglier than a blobfish, our hero would’ve loved her anyway. It just all got trite and monotonous with no where exciting to go…….Oh well…..